But let’s stay focused on the Mac side. You can see that since I am already on a MacBook Pro, it’s default selected “Office 2016 for Mac” as the version to install.

Sounds good! A click on “Install” and it’ll download the Office Installer:

I found this download to move pretty quickly, but depending on connectivity, it might take you a few minutes to get the entire package.

Once downloaded, the installer should pop right up and start:

If you’ve used the Mac for any length of time, you’re already familiar with this process.

Let’s look at one thing, however: disk space required. That’s shown on a subsequent screen:

It’s slightly disappointing that there’s no way to pick and choose which of the Microsoft Office 2016 tools you want to install — in your case, perhaps just Word, in our case, everything but Outlook — but that’s something that can hopefully be tweaked after installation. Meanwhile, just notice the install takes up 6.78GB of space on your computer.

Before you start the install, then, make sure you have that much disk space!

A click on “Install”, a few additional clicks to accept a user license that you’re not going to read (we don’t!) and…

Hurray! We’re done.

Well, almost.

Click “Close” and you’ll have Word 2016 launch, but with a few informational windows along the way, starting with this highlight of updated features and capabilities:

Okay, sounds good!

Click on “Get started >” to proceed and Office actually starts up:

It really is smart to use this account because it makes it absolutely a no-brainer to have cloud-based backups of your documents, spreadsheets, presentations and related.

Once you’re signed in, there’s one more step:

I picked Colorful – it’s very nice! – and, finally, a click on “Continue >” and Microsoft Word 2016 finally launches.

Office 2016 installed. Mission accomplished.

And boy is the interface a much overdue facelift and improvement, as you can see in this peek at a column I’m writing for the local newspaper in Microsoft Word 2016:

Okay To Use Both Microsoft Office 2016 And 2011 For Mac

Huge props to Microsoft for a very, very well done upgrade. Office 2016 feels like a completely new and very Mac-friendly application suite that might just replace Pages, Numbers, Keynote and the rest of the Apple office suite on our Mac systems here in the office. Not to mention on our Windows systems!

Let’s Stay In Touch!

I do have a lot to say, and questions of my own for that matter, but first I'd like to say thank you, Dave, for all your helpful information by buying you a cup of coffee!